Sunday, October 9, 2011

Americas future

It’s a little upsetting that CA would sign a bill allowing illegal immigrants to get state funded aid for college. While it doesn’t surprise me that California of all states is in favor of doing so, it still pisses me off. While I understand that most of us come from some sort of immigrant roots unless you are a Native American you aren’t entitled to anything unless you are a citizen. I’m not so cold hearted to say that people do not deserve emergency medical care, or even basic medical care, state funded college money is not something that every deserves or is entitled to.
I have valid points for saying that it’s not fair. One of my reasons is a lack of already existing funds. CA is in no way financially stable enough to provide this money. Our schools are already in disrepair. Our teachers are underpaid, over worked and understaffed. The amount of money given to illegals for college could staff many new teachers and lower the number of students in a classroom. What about school supplies? There are not enough supplies in the classrooms anymore. When parents are asked to bring in supplies not just for their child, but for the teacher to teach that isn’t fair to the parent or the teacher. I know they don’t like asking parents to provide dry erase markers and tissue. There are a lot of parents out there right now that can barely afford basic stool supplies for their own child let alone the classroom supplies. We are in a recession right?? There are a lot of people with out jobs and we continue to ask for more and more of our young families who are already struggling to make ends meet. College is an option, K-12 is not. I won’t even start my rant on non tax payers children going to elementary, jr high and high school for free.
The second reason why. There are a lot of people I know in the military that joined specifically to EARN their college money. Give the country a few years, get your college education. Why are my friends putting their lives on the line to earn a college education and illegals just get free money. California, I call bullshit! There are a lot of California RESIDENTS serving our Nation in the military to earn their college funds. You have just said “F%$! You!” to every single one of them while you take CA state tax out of our earnings, which isn’t a lot of money for the hours and type of work, and time away from their families that is being asked of them.
If the student is illegal and receiving state aid, that implies the money is going to be paid back. But if the person is illegal, who’s to say the name and address they are using is even real? So when this person disappears into the abyss, with a four year degree that was stolen from the people of California, who’s going to track them down and make them pay it back? NOBODY WILL! It costs too much to pay someone to find someone else to pay money back. California, if you just want to throw away money, I can give you a bank account number to throw that money into instead.
A college degree used to be something that was earned, it never was an entitlement. Remember when it used to cost $10 a credit in community college? What’s it up to now? About $36, this fee does not include registration and books. By the way, did anyone notice how many college graduates do not have jobs right now?
I know plenty of students who did not qualify for loans or aide because their parents made “too much money”. If their parents made so much why are their children scrounging for college money? I know plenty of people working class to class, semester to semester because they can’t afford to go full time, or even part time. Why are we being robbed of the money we put into the state already? How much are the faculty of these colleges being paid? Yet the cost of college is rising to even instate students. Why don’t we stop giving politicians pay raises and exuberant retirements and start giving it back to the people? The same people that can’t figure out the state budget are willing to throw money at people who don’t even pay taxes! There’s your sign.
Ask yourself the next time you vote, how the person you are voting for is going to benefit you and your family. The state does not care about you individually, maybe you should. Thomas Jefferson once said “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who are not”, yes that is relevant even 200 years later. We need to start thinking about the future of today’s Americans!

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