Saturday, October 8, 2011

Good evening,

It's been a few days, and I have once again been struggling with what to write.  I finally had a few people fix that for me so I thought I would share and see if anyone else could add to the stories.  So, here are two stories of stating the obvious, or what I like to call "Madden Moments".

Number one.  Sitting in a powerpoint presentation the other day listening to a very dry and monotone speaker.  A gentleman in the class raises his hand and patiently waits to be called on.  The instructor finally looks up from reading his slides and says, "Yes?".  To which the gentleman replies, "I have a question"...well, really?  No way!  You raised your hand and had a question!!  Duh!!  I don't know many people who sit through a presentation and raise their hand for anything else.  We didn't expect you to ask if you could go to the bathroom, tell the guy to stop teaching, or any other number of things.  Way to contribute to my "Madden Moments"!  And thanks for helping me to feel just a little bit smarter after being in the room with you.

Number two.  After dinner my wife, daughter, and I decided that we should go to Starbucks and grab some coffee.  The most convenient place to do this is at a Drive-thru Starbucks about a block away.  So, we drive up to the Starbucks menu board and the guy working the speaker says, "You are at Starbucks, can I help you?"...Duh, I am the one that drove my car to the Starbucks Drive-thru.  Thanks for informing me that I did just in case I had done it by accident.  Maybe I should have confused him, asked him if he was sure, because I thought I was at Burger King.  Thats too bad because I was hoping to "Have it my way".

Hope these stories bring back some memories of your personal "Madden Moments"!  If so, please share so others can enjoy.  Have a great night.  Stay tuned for more Unplanned Outbursts.

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