Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"That Guy...."


I have been in a bit of a writers funk about what to write for this blog.  Although I would like all of these posts to be worthwhile, meaningful, and full of knowledge....ok, wait...I just want it to be an interesting read.  So, here I go...

My first question of the day is: "Where did people get the idea that just because someone likes to talk they assume that all of us want to listen?"
 - Example: Guy at work, feels the need to inject himself in each and every conversation with "his point of view" when the conversation was only for fun, and not taken seriously.

Second question is: "Is it a law that when the one annoying person in the office that no one likes wants to watch a particular show on the TV all day, that we are all obligated to do the same?"
 - Example: Guy in the office feels the need to watch a particular news program all day long.  One in which they seem to seek out people who vehemently disagree with each other, give them five minutes to argue, and then cut them off for "Breaking News"!  I mean, who wants to listen to people argue all day long?  And no it isn't "debating", it is arguing!!

Well, there is my outburst for the day.  And if you were assuming that this person is one in the same....you would be correct!!!!  It's ok though, myself and the few respectable people that I work with change the channel to Sportcenter at every opportunity when "that guy" is out of the office.

So, if you feel the need to comment or have one of "those guys" in your general workspace, please share...because we all know they exist and bring a small sense of demented enjoyment to our day!

Thanks and have a wonderful evening.

1 comment:

  1. Like an annoying 15 year "First Class" that thinks he owns the NAVY and everyone and thing in it hahaha. Both of these posts go perfectly fitting with him!!! To all the people like this, Get a clue: Everyone nods in agreement because no one wants to deal with you!
