Sunday, October 9, 2011

Americas future

It’s a little upsetting that CA would sign a bill allowing illegal immigrants to get state funded aid for college. While it doesn’t surprise me that California of all states is in favor of doing so, it still pisses me off. While I understand that most of us come from some sort of immigrant roots unless you are a Native American you aren’t entitled to anything unless you are a citizen. I’m not so cold hearted to say that people do not deserve emergency medical care, or even basic medical care, state funded college money is not something that every deserves or is entitled to.
I have valid points for saying that it’s not fair. One of my reasons is a lack of already existing funds. CA is in no way financially stable enough to provide this money. Our schools are already in disrepair. Our teachers are underpaid, over worked and understaffed. The amount of money given to illegals for college could staff many new teachers and lower the number of students in a classroom. What about school supplies? There are not enough supplies in the classrooms anymore. When parents are asked to bring in supplies not just for their child, but for the teacher to teach that isn’t fair to the parent or the teacher. I know they don’t like asking parents to provide dry erase markers and tissue. There are a lot of parents out there right now that can barely afford basic stool supplies for their own child let alone the classroom supplies. We are in a recession right?? There are a lot of people with out jobs and we continue to ask for more and more of our young families who are already struggling to make ends meet. College is an option, K-12 is not. I won’t even start my rant on non tax payers children going to elementary, jr high and high school for free.
The second reason why. There are a lot of people I know in the military that joined specifically to EARN their college money. Give the country a few years, get your college education. Why are my friends putting their lives on the line to earn a college education and illegals just get free money. California, I call bullshit! There are a lot of California RESIDENTS serving our Nation in the military to earn their college funds. You have just said “F%$! You!” to every single one of them while you take CA state tax out of our earnings, which isn’t a lot of money for the hours and type of work, and time away from their families that is being asked of them.
If the student is illegal and receiving state aid, that implies the money is going to be paid back. But if the person is illegal, who’s to say the name and address they are using is even real? So when this person disappears into the abyss, with a four year degree that was stolen from the people of California, who’s going to track them down and make them pay it back? NOBODY WILL! It costs too much to pay someone to find someone else to pay money back. California, if you just want to throw away money, I can give you a bank account number to throw that money into instead.
A college degree used to be something that was earned, it never was an entitlement. Remember when it used to cost $10 a credit in community college? What’s it up to now? About $36, this fee does not include registration and books. By the way, did anyone notice how many college graduates do not have jobs right now?
I know plenty of students who did not qualify for loans or aide because their parents made “too much money”. If their parents made so much why are their children scrounging for college money? I know plenty of people working class to class, semester to semester because they can’t afford to go full time, or even part time. Why are we being robbed of the money we put into the state already? How much are the faculty of these colleges being paid? Yet the cost of college is rising to even instate students. Why don’t we stop giving politicians pay raises and exuberant retirements and start giving it back to the people? The same people that can’t figure out the state budget are willing to throw money at people who don’t even pay taxes! There’s your sign.
Ask yourself the next time you vote, how the person you are voting for is going to benefit you and your family. The state does not care about you individually, maybe you should. Thomas Jefferson once said “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who are not”, yes that is relevant even 200 years later. We need to start thinking about the future of today’s Americans!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Good evening,

It's been a few days, and I have once again been struggling with what to write.  I finally had a few people fix that for me so I thought I would share and see if anyone else could add to the stories.  So, here are two stories of stating the obvious, or what I like to call "Madden Moments".

Number one.  Sitting in a powerpoint presentation the other day listening to a very dry and monotone speaker.  A gentleman in the class raises his hand and patiently waits to be called on.  The instructor finally looks up from reading his slides and says, "Yes?".  To which the gentleman replies, "I have a question"...well, really?  No way!  You raised your hand and had a question!!  Duh!!  I don't know many people who sit through a presentation and raise their hand for anything else.  We didn't expect you to ask if you could go to the bathroom, tell the guy to stop teaching, or any other number of things.  Way to contribute to my "Madden Moments"!  And thanks for helping me to feel just a little bit smarter after being in the room with you.

Number two.  After dinner my wife, daughter, and I decided that we should go to Starbucks and grab some coffee.  The most convenient place to do this is at a Drive-thru Starbucks about a block away.  So, we drive up to the Starbucks menu board and the guy working the speaker says, "You are at Starbucks, can I help you?"...Duh, I am the one that drove my car to the Starbucks Drive-thru.  Thanks for informing me that I did just in case I had done it by accident.  Maybe I should have confused him, asked him if he was sure, because I thought I was at Burger King.  Thats too bad because I was hoping to "Have it my way".

Hope these stories bring back some memories of your personal "Madden Moments"!  If so, please share so others can enjoy.  Have a great night.  Stay tuned for more Unplanned Outbursts.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To Steve Jobs' family & all at Apple Corporation:

     "We are sorry for your loss.  Steve Jobs will be remembered for the impact he had on the world of technology and how we interact with each other."  

Carry on his legacy...

Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"That Guy...."


I have been in a bit of a writers funk about what to write for this blog.  Although I would like all of these posts to be worthwhile, meaningful, and full of knowledge....ok, wait...I just want it to be an interesting read.  So, here I go...

My first question of the day is: "Where did people get the idea that just because someone likes to talk they assume that all of us want to listen?"
 - Example: Guy at work, feels the need to inject himself in each and every conversation with "his point of view" when the conversation was only for fun, and not taken seriously.

Second question is: "Is it a law that when the one annoying person in the office that no one likes wants to watch a particular show on the TV all day, that we are all obligated to do the same?"
 - Example: Guy in the office feels the need to watch a particular news program all day long.  One in which they seem to seek out people who vehemently disagree with each other, give them five minutes to argue, and then cut them off for "Breaking News"!  I mean, who wants to listen to people argue all day long?  And no it isn't "debating", it is arguing!!

Well, there is my outburst for the day.  And if you were assuming that this person is one in the would be correct!!!!  It's ok though, myself and the few respectable people that I work with change the channel to Sportcenter at every opportunity when "that guy" is out of the office.

So, if you feel the need to comment or have one of "those guys" in your general workspace, please share...because we all know they exist and bring a small sense of demented enjoyment to our day!

Thanks and have a wonderful evening.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Welcome to Unplanned Outbursts!  This is my second attempt at creating a blog that will create some sort of interest and following.  My first blog is off to what most people would call a "slow" start.  That blog is my attempt to write about a particular subject and nothing else so I do assume the audience will be smaller.  This blog however is going to be an adventure into just about any and every subject. Unplanned Outbursts as the title states is exactly what this blog is all about.  Taking that moment we want to say something, putting it down on paper, and seeing other opinions related to the topic.

I promise you I won't attempt to show that I am a perfect writer, because I know I am nothing of the sort.  I will do my best to create articles and posts that are relevant, funny, interesting, controversial, and occasionally of some sort of value.

Why a blog called "Unplanned Outbursts"?
- Ever have a moment you want to share with anybody and everybody?  Ever take a picture you want tons of people to see and then comment on it?  Ever see someone do something you can't believe, but have nobody to tell?  Ever just have something to say, but not sure how or who to say it to?  Well, here is your chance!!!  Not only will I be writing for these posts, but comments will be allowed for all posts.  I will also create topics and chose random people to write an article or short paragraph about it.  This will give anyone following Unplanned Outbursts the opportunity to have their voice and opinion heard!!

I will be trying to recruit people to write here on this blog.  I do not pretend to know everything about everything.  Planned ideas are the Joke of the week and Quote of the week.  Other items of interest that we are planning to follow are:
- Random acts of kindness or stupidity (usually more stupidity these days)
- Fashion Trends (Good & Bad)
- Life in General
- Rants and Raves
- Pictures
- News and Current Events (we won't take political sides, just opinionated ones!!!)
- And anything else that peaks our interest or is suggested by the readers!!!

There will be random drawings and contests for nothing in particular.  One week it may be something very useful, and the next, not even close!!  Keep your eyes out.  The entry will usually consist of commenting on a question asked or something of that nature.  Don't be shy!!!  Get on here and let your opinion be read!

As with almost anything, criticism and feedback is always appreciated.  Want to hear about something specific, just let us know!  We will always attempt to inform the readers and keep you coming back for more.